Expositor esencia de mar 15x35ml
Agua de mar purificada extraída de la costa mediterránea en lugares con un altísimo valor biológico, rica en oxígeno, minerales y compuestos orgánicos fuentes de vida, sometida a un sofisticado proceso patentado de microfiltración en varias fases, una esterilización en frío y un sistema de purificación altamente selectivo que consigue eliminar la materia orgánica, las bacterias y el resto de microorganismos, sin alterar la composición mineral y toda su riqueza en oligoelementos y compuestos orgánicos
Testados de eficacia: Hidrata, regenera, proinflamatorio, atopía y xerosis.
Activos principales: Agua de mar hipertónica ultrafiltrada.
Nuestros hábitos de vida, el deporte, los fármacos, el estrés diario, el medio ambiente, microorganismos, virus, etc, afectan a la epigenética de nuestro organismo generando daños en la piel y/o en un envejecimiento acelerado. La polución juega un papel muy negativo en este sentido (especies reactivas de COx, NOx, SOx, PM y otros COVs) activando mecanismos genómicos contraproducentes en nuestra piel.
“La primera línea de cosmética profesional en el mundo en la que toda el agua empleada proviene del mar”
La línea thalàxia anti-pollution está basada en normalizar cualquier tipo de piel, centrándose en equilibrar el fenómeno de la homeostasis epidérmica (corrigiendo la correcta proliferación, diferenciación y descamación de la epidermis) y mediante el empleo de activos epigenéticos que combinan efectividad en belleza y salud de la piel, revertiendo todo tipo de pieles envejecidas, castigadas, desestructuradas y con anomalías (como la atopía, xerosis, pieles descamativas, …), con resultados visibles, probados y demostrados desde la primera aplicación.
Agua de mar purificada extraída de la costa mediterránea en lugares con un altísimo valor biológico, rica en oxígeno, minerales y compuestos orgánicos fuentes de vida, sometida a un sofisticado proceso patentado de microfiltración en varias fases, una esterilización en frío y un sistema de purificación altamente selectivo que consigue eliminar la materia orgánica, las bacterias y el resto de microorganismos, sin alterar la composición mineral y toda su riqueza en oligoelementos y compuestos orgánicos.
Recuerda que thalàxia de elinné, hace una cosmética verde, libre de conservantes añadidos.
Especies vegetales conocidas por…
- AGUA DE MAR HIPERTÓNICA: remineraliza, reduce la TEWL.
Los activos que contiene el producto se estudiaron a las dosis empleadas por elinné dando los diferentes efectos que se han testado clínicamente.
- Hidratación (TEWL), regeneración, Carrier.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5221345/ - Proinflamatorio (epigenético.)
https://www.medicaljournals.se/acta/content/html/10.2340/00015555-1128 - Anomalías de la piel: Psoriasis, excemas, dermatitis.
Aplicar directamente para tratamiento 100% de talasoterapia y para complementar tratamientos o productos de thalàxia (agua hipertónica) o diluir (ver dibujo adjunto) con agua mineral para casos específicos en los que se busca isotonía.
Envase 3000ml (PROFESIONAL).
NOTA: de venta exclusiva en centros de belleza. Prohibida su venta en otros canales de venta.
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Efficacy tested: anti-cellulite (in vivo results of up to -1.4cm in circumference in 15 days and -2.9cm in 28 days), reducer, eliminates orange peel skin and acts as a dermal protector.
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Normalizing gel with wasabi extract with a marked anti-pollution and normalizing effect, for all skin types (especially atopic, xerotic and scaly) and contains prebiotics. Adult’s children.
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Indications: Thalàxia anti-pollution massage balm is an oilybased ointment with an emollient effect. for professional cabin massages. It is ideal for sensitive skin (totally natural and toxic-free base). Once we have worked the product, it is easily removed when in contact with water, generating an instant emulsion, leaving the treated area without any oily residue. Allows customization with scents.
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Efficacy tested: Silhouette shaper (skin tone (+ 71%)), firms (+ 44% in 72h), synthesis of collagen (I, V, VII, XVI) and elastin and hyaluronic acid (Hyaluronan synthase 2) , improves blood circulation, hydrates, antioxidant (anti-pollution (-80%)), increases cellular vitality (+ 50%), redensifies (+ 210%), antielastase (-90%).
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Purified seawater extracted from the Mediterranean coast in places with a very high biological value, rich in oxygen, minerals and organic compounds sources of life, subjected to a sophisticated patented process of microfiltration in several phases, a cold sterilization and a purification system highly selective that manages to eliminate organic matter, bacteria and other microorganisms, without altering the mineral composition and all its richness in trace elements and organic compounds.
Efficacy tested: Moisturizer, regenerates, pro-inflammatory, atopy and xerosis.
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Tsubaki oil has been responsible for the classic and legendary beauty of Japanese hair for centuries. In the past, samurai used it to maintain their characteristic hairstyle, and geisha to keep their skin smooth and satin-like.
Massàxia tsubaki oil is a natural preparation with greater resistance to oxidation (longer shelf life) than its counterparts on the market, thanks to the natural antioxidant supplement that Elinné adds to the preparation.
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The Thalàxia zen-thalassotherapy booster is a pure mixture of active ingredients that complements an epigenetic treatment with anti-pollution effect, based on skin homeostasis and thalassotherapy treatments. It can be ionized and / or worked with virtual mesotherapy.
Efficacy tested: normalizer of very unstructured skin (atopy, xerosis, pruritus …), barrier to exogenous attacks, strengthens the skin’s defenses, moisturizes, maintains microbiota and epidermal homeostasis, evens out the skin (+ 55% ), antiredness (-88%), reduces the presence of pimples (-77%), calms, relaxing.
Main actives ingredients: Dipeptide Epigenetic Phytocomplex, Lotus Flower Extract.
Tones the skin, restoring its original smoothness. All the preparation has activity on the skin, providing the preparation with a refreshing, calming and moisturizing effect
Efficacy tested:: est V E069 o n a ltered s kin; V E085 f or applying Elinné’s preparation on stressed skin; moisturizer, regenerates, is soothing, refreshing and protects cell integrity (cytoprotection).
Main actives ingredients: Isotony ultrafiltered seawater, BIO lemon fruit extract, BIO Aloe vera (IASC certified) and lotus flower extra.
Numerous Scientific Studies have shown the benefits of oats against atopy. Its benefits for the skin are many: It hydrates the skin, improves the skin barrier, is rich in equivalent fatty acids for the skin, supports the physiology of the skin (protects, softens, smoothes and repairs), prevents lipid peroxidation.
Massàxia oat oil is a natural preparation with greater resistance to oxidation (longer shelf life) than its counterparts on the market, thanks to the natural antioxidant supplement that Elinné adds to the preparation.
Efficacy tested:
Main actives ingredients: Oat oil, mixture of tocopherols.
Many scrubs on the market contain fragments of fruit peels, which, although they are of plant origin, under the magnifying glass, show irregular edges and verti-ces that exfoliate, damaging the skin, so they would not be very appropriate for sensitive skin. Elinné’s facial ex-foliating gel is formulated with medium-sized spherical particles that do not irritate sensitive skin. Contains a light detergency as well as being moisturizing and repairing.
Made for sensitive skin (not including, or added preserva-tives, or perfumes with allergens, or dyes), ideal for “my first care”, for the public aware of natural and vegan cosmetics, for regeneration treatments and specially designed for peo-ple looking for in a cosmetic the minimization of toxins.
Efficacy tested: Test VE006 with n=10 sensitive skin and t=1 exfoliating effect application; antioxidant, moisturizing and repairing.
Main active ingredients: Aloe vera BIO (IASC certified), Arnica BIO, calendula BIO, sunflower BIO, Vitamin E.
Moisturizing, nourishing, post-depilatory, post-solar and atopic skin preparation. It does not stain clothes or slip our hands or feet as happens with cosmetics with petroleum derivatives, on the other hand, the phytocosmetic active ingredients used act on the inside and outside of the skin giving the necessary comfort. Made for sensitive skin (not including added preservatives, or synthetic perfumes (only essential oils), or dyes), ideal for “my first care”, for the public aware of natural and vegan cosmetics, for regeneration treatments and specially designed for people looking for toxic minimization in a cosmetic.
Efficacy tested: Test VE007 with n=10 sensitive skin and t=1 and 30 days application on atopic, sensitive and normal skin; regenerates, hydrates and gives softness.
Main actives ingredients: BIO Aloe vera (IASC certified), tea tree, olive, BIO grape seeds, BIO sweet almonds and orange blossom.
Thalàxia has devised an epigenetic treatment with a marked firming effect, inspired by Japanese aesthetics with massage techniques and novel work protocol and adapted by Elinné from the heart of Japan:
The Thalàxia anti-pollution firming ritual Hasedera body treatment (Kamakura temple known for “beauty flowers” where the japanesse wisteria grows vigorously honoring this treatment), which consists of 10 cabin sessions. It acts as: shaper of the silhouette, reaffirms, analyzing the expression of 9 genes related to the synthesis of collagen (I, V, VII, XVI), elastin (elastin, fibronectin and fibrillin-1) and hyaluronic acid (Hyaluronan synthase 2) ), improves blood circulation, hydrates, antioxidant, increases cell vitality, redensifies, anti- elastase.
Necessary and recommended::
- Ultrafiltered seawater (THSW)
- Massage balm (THUM)
- Isotonic tonic (THTI)
- Aromatic elixirs ampoules (THAR)
- Anti-cellulite algae (THAN)
- Rest boosters for synergies
- Normalizing Emulsion (THEN)
- Normalizing Gel (THGN)